
For friends and family, this is a site to see what we've gotten ourselves into and how we're doing. For people who care about Big Red, it's a chance to keep posted about what we're doing to preserve and restore her. It's also a place for people who love old houses and appreciate what they mean as much as we do. We hope you'll be pleased with the results.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A bit of a stretch....

Ok..this isn't about the renovation work, but oh well.
As Halloween fast approaches, we have started to think about our annual Halloween party.
Elena has been on a disney Haunted Mansion kick since her trip there this summer with her Grandparents.
One of her "ideas" was that we should have the pictures that she saw in the Haunted Mansion in the foyer....As the walls "stretch" they expand to show gruesome fates for the people in the pictures.
I checked online and even a low end set of prints was pretty expensive...what to do? Why not paint your own?
I found some long narrow canvases at "Big Lots" with awful flowers painted on them for about 8 dollars a piece. I primed them, and then used my projector to sketch the original paintings on them (I found photos of them online). Then I spent a couple evenings painting them. I think we're going to hang them in the "round" living room, between the windows.
Now that those are's back to work. I'm working on the walk-in closet between the Master bedroom and the bathroom. I've stripped out 3 layers of linoleum flooring, removed the wallpaper and filled the cracks in the plaster. Today I'll be painting the closet, with hopes of getting the flooring situated tomorrow...and somewhere in there I need to start getting the Halloween decorations out of the garage attic.

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