
For friends and family, this is a site to see what we've gotten ourselves into and how we're doing. For people who care about Big Red, it's a chance to keep posted about what we're doing to preserve and restore her. It's also a place for people who love old houses and appreciate what they mean as much as we do. We hope you'll be pleased with the results.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New member of the family.

The newest member of our family...his name is Winchester.
"Winnie the Pooch" for short.  He's a healthy 8mo. old
English Bulldog that we got from a very nice family who is
relocating.  He's too damn ugly not to love.
Ashley's first response when I brought him in was "My god, what
have you done."  but she's coming around.
He listens to commands pretty well, and has been
excellent on a leash for his age.  He's pretty excited to be here,
as you can see.
Our other dog, Ace, has his own feelings for the moment which he's
sharing pretty well in this photo.  They are definitely the "odd couple".