
For friends and family, this is a site to see what we've gotten ourselves into and how we're doing. For people who care about Big Red, it's a chance to keep posted about what we're doing to preserve and restore her. It's also a place for people who love old houses and appreciate what they mean as much as we do. We hope you'll be pleased with the results.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Elena's Birthday Party

Elena had her first birthday in the house!
The downside was that we about froze everyone to death. We also had a little girl get her finger scraped up in a door...and I had a really bad cold and wanted to be in bed...but other than that it was great.

The cold came from a couple culprits...1. It's a good idea to make sure you don't have any windows partially open when the temperature is about 12. Also, if you replace batteries on the heat control, make sure you've turned the heat on. Otherwise your house will be about 58 degrees and your guests teeth will be chattering.

Also, there seems to be a rule that if 4 or more girls get in a group (it only takes 2 boys) then somebody is going to get hurt. One little girl accidentally shut a door on another little girl's finger...fortunately it wasn't broken or in need of much more than a princess band-aid.

As for my cold...I was a pretty worthless host. I had spent all morning in bed, and pretty much spent the party thinking about being back in it.

Fortunately, Elena had a great time. She really likes playing with other kids and really enjoyed the games and toys. We're pretty happy that she's willing to share most of the time.
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1 comment:

Jeff said...

Sounds like the birthday party was more dangerous than the Halloween party! Next time you feel crappy, just start drinking heavily. That usually works for me;)

-Jeff T.