The newest member of our family...his name is Winchester.
"Winnie the Pooch" for short. He's a healthy 8mo. old
English Bulldog that we got from a very nice family who is
relocating. He's too damn ugly not to love.
Ashley's first response when I brought him in was "My god, what
have you done." but she's coming around.
He listens to commands pretty well, and has been
excellent on a leash for his age. He's pretty excited to be here,
as you can see.
Our other dog, Ace, has his own feelings for the moment which he's
sharing pretty well in this photo. They are definitely the "odd couple".
Okay -- just have to say -- even though you don't update your blog that often, I still come here to see Mr. Winnie gallomphing into the picture! It makes my day!
A word of advice... obedience train him early. Bulldogs can become aggressive since they have dominant natures and obedience training with all the family members - in particular the smaller people in the house (kids, women, etc.) - really stems a lot of that before it's a problem.
I know it's a year late, but thanks for the advice.
We decided to go the other route and have trained the dog to be dominant toward everyone. He will attempt to hump anything that gets in front of him, including the air.
It has uses. When people come to the door selling things, I let him out and make no attempt to stop him while he makes sweet sweet love to their legs.
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